Sep 28, 2022
This episode we have our friend John Valentine from Deeds of Arms back on the show to talk about major problems in Military and Law Enforcement recruiting, and what factors are contributing to the issue. We also hit on some of what John is up to training wise and teaching wise.
For more on John or most importantly get...
Sep 21, 2022
This episode we have both the Great One Rob Leatham and Mike Seeklander on the show. Rob is arguably the most winning action pistol competitor ever, he has 8 IPSC World Titles, 34 USPSA/IPSC National Titles, and multiple IDPA and Steel challenge national titles as well. Mike Seeklander is the current IDPA World...
Sep 13, 2022
Aaron Davis begins the show by reading an article about the lefts attempt to start banning body armor after some recent high profile mass murders were armor was worn by the killer, specifically Buffalo Body armor can protect all of us incase of a home invasion, mass chaos, riots, or simply civilians want to wear incase...
Sep 7, 2022
Nick Delgadillo is the head instructor over the Starting Strength coach certification program and the founder of Lift, Fight, Win. Starting Strength under the leadership of Mark Rippetoe, author of the storied book of the same title has been making people stronger and more useful for years. The program is a...