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Evolution Security Podcast

Feb 25, 2020

Dr. Sherman House - The Civilian Defender

EvoSec site

Sherman is in his second decade as a medical health care provider. He is Dentist and Reserve Police Officer just outside of Nashville TN. Dr. House is the originator of the CIVILIAN DEFENDER training concept. He has...

Feb 11, 2020

Essentials 2

This week the EvoSec crew discusses what they believe to be the most important priorities as it relates to the Defense/Protector Lifestyle.  This is the second installment enumerating the next 5 priorities in order of precedence. In addition, Brian discusses the current anti-second amendment movement in...

Feb 4, 2020

This show we welcome back Jason Kelly of @C2T2_training and @wrestlerj on Instagram.  Please go to his face book at C2T2 to checkout what he does and his upcoming events in your neck of the woods.  Facebook at C2T2 Contact and Control/Techniques and Tactics.  Jason was the American Top Team's first wrestling coach, and...