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Evolution Security Podcast

Oct 1, 2020

This episode the EvoSec crew lighten the mood with gear talk and music.  Eric and Brian discuss their new 300 Blk AR pistol builds/back pack guns. Aaron taps into Brian's expertise on SBRs and Suppressors due to his experience as a Class 3 Manufacture SOT. Then the crew drop some eclectic music tapes to decompress- Pure fun pure Freedom.   

Blue Tooth Enabled Ear Pro mentioned in discussion on discharging a rifle and especially a short barreled AR pistol or SBR inside a structure.  Shout out Greg Ellifritz of Active Response Training: Champion Pro Elite Vanquish Electronic Hearing Muffs:

Greg's website:

Evolution Security

Facebook and Instagram  @evosecusa

Drill of the week: 25 yard portion of the FBI 2019 Qualification – 25 yrds, from concealment, draw and fire 4 rounds center mass, drop to kneeling position, 4 more rounds center mass.  20 sec par, all shots inside the FBI Q target count, bonus all rounds within the 10 inch circle under par.  We love the Rangemaster RFTS-Q target since it has the added small targets and the 10 and 8 inch circle added.